PEZT - Buildings

In this section you will find details of all the buildings for Zoo Tycoon and the Expansion Packs (as they become available). This page provides an alphabetical listing of the buildings which are links to the individual page for that building.

On the individual pages you will find information on various aspects of each building and there is a Glossary entry for each of the aspects explaining things in more detail (e.g. BuildingID which opens the Glossary in a popup window at the BuildingID entry).

The Glossary should explain everything for you but if you are not sure about the meaning then you can use the Questions? feature to explain things better or use the Email button for a personal reply.

The listing is also split between buildings that make money and those that do not as well as listing any official add-ons or user-creations..

  Buildings List - sorted alphabetically

(scroll down for User-Creations)




Profitable Buildings

Animal Theater

Dino Slide

Aquatic Gift Shop

Burger Stand

Dinosaur Bronto Burger Stand

Aquatic Gift Stand


Dinosaur Cinema

Crushed Ice Stand

Compost Building

Dinosaur Gift Shop

Fancy Grandstand

Drink Stand

Dinosaur Gift Stand

Frozen Yoghurt Stand

Elephant Ride

Mammoth Cones Stand


Food Vending Machine

Stego Putt

Kneemo's Sub Shop

Gift Cart

Lobby's Restaurant

Gift Shop

Photo Booth

Hot Dog Stand

Polly's Popcorn Stand

Ice Cream Stand

Ring Toss

Pizza Stand

Sea Dawgs Stand


Shark Tunnel

Soda Vending Machine

Swim Shack

Swim with Dolphins

Non-profitable buildings


Bouncy Ride

 Aquatic Restroom

Family Bathroom

Lepospondyl House

 Boat Rental Shack

Insect House

Pteranodon House

 Crustacean House

Japanese Garden

Tree Swing

 Orca Bouncy Ride

Petting Zoo

 Tropical Aquarium

Primate House

Reptile House

Single Bathroom

Official add-ons and User Creations



Atlantean Gift Shop

Fancy Bathroom

Fancy Burger Stand

Fancy Drink Stand

Fancy Hot Dog Stand

Fancy Ice Cream Stand

Fancy Pizza Stand

Kids Dino Gift Shop

Kids Snack Stand

Kids Arcade